The Eloy BoysAug 10, 2023 by Mark Bader
The Eloy Boys (Episode 1)
The Eloy Boys (Episode 1)
The Eloy Boys are a group of wrestlers from Eloy, AZ who attend Valiant Prep and seek to gain better lives than their parents through wrestling opportunity

Eloy, AZ is a small desert town an hour south of Phoenix. In that town a rambunctious group of wrestlers eat, sleep, play, train and go to school together every single day. They wrestle because they love it but it also serves as a path to college for them that otherwise might not be likely.
The Eloy Boys attend Valiant Prep in Phoenix, a school made by wrestlers, for wrestlers. Meet the personalities and share the laughs while these young men train for Fargo out of their shop turned into wrestling room in Eloy.

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