2024 Olympic Trials Watch Party

2024 Olympic Wrestling Trials Live Updates

2024 Olympic Wrestling Trials Live Updates

Live updates from the 2024 Olympic Wrestling Trials in State College, Pennsylvania on April 19-20.

Apr 20, 2024

The 2024 Olympic Wrestling Trials took place on April 19-20 in State College, Pennsylvania. Check out the article below for a full summary of the trials that were originally provided as real-time updates.

The 2024 United States Olympic Team

Men's Freestyle

57 kg: Spencer Lee

65 kg: Zain Retherford

74 kg: Kyle Dake

86 kg: Aaron Brooks

97 kg: Kyle Snyder

125 kg: Mason Parris

Women's Freestyle

50 kg: Sarah Hildebrandt

53 kg: Dominique Parrish

57 kg: Helen Maroulis

62 kg: Kayla Miracle

68 kg: Amit Elor

76 kg: Kennedy Blades


60 kg: Dalton Roberts

67 kg: Ellis Coleman

77 kg: Kamal Bey

87 kg: Payton Jacobson

97 kg: Josef Rau

130 kg: Adam Coon

Olympic Trials Finals - Round 3

Greco-Roman 130 kg - Adam Coon vs Cohlton Schultz

Schultz comes forward hard early but Coon side steps the pressure and Schultz falls out of bounds and Coon goes up 1-0 early with a step out. Now Schultz get hit with a passivity and Coon earns another point and an opportunity to work on top. Coon gets to his lock and takes Schultz through with a gut wrench - Coon leads 4-0 now. Score remains at 4-0 as the period comes to a close.

A minute into the second and Schultz gets his turn on top as Coon is called for passivity. Schultz works for a turn but Coon escapes and Schultz is off-balance and slow to get to his feet. Coon takes advantage of this and runs behind for the takedown to extend his lead to 6-1. Coon's in control with a minute to go and Schultz needs to score in a hurry. Schultz can't open Coon up and Coon's going to with this one - 6-1! Coon's going to the Olympics as the 130 kg rep for Team USA.

Greco-Roman 97 kg - Alan Vera vs Joe Rau

Rau gets off to a quick start with a takedown and a turn in the first minute to lead 4-0. Rau keeps rolling and adds 2 more on another exposure and now Rau is up 6-0. Rau keeps the pressure up and pulls Vera down to the mat - Rau runs behind and secures the tech. Joe Rau is Team USA's 97 kg Olympian!

Greco-Roman 87 kg - Payton Jacobson vs Spencer Woods

Woods gets called for passivity first and Jacobson earns a point and a chance to work on top in par terre. Jacobson gets to his gut and converts for the turn - he leads 3-0. Neither wrestler scores and it's 3-0 after the first.

Woods gets his shot on top in the second after Jacobson is called for passivity. However, Woods can't get to a turn and Jacobson leads 3-1. Jacobson gets another chance to work on top but doesn't score and now there's less than a minute left. Woods is pressuring forward but Jacobson holds position and holds on to win 3-1. Jacobson makes the Olympic team from the #7 seed!

Greco-Roman 67 kg - Alejandro Sancho vs Ellis Coleman

Slow start to this one but Sancho uses an arm drag to get behind Coleman on their feet. Sancho can't get his lock but he runs his feet and drives Coleman out of bounds for a step out and a caution +1 - Sancho leads 2-0. That's the only action in the first and Sancho holds the 2-0 lead.

Thirty seconds goes by in the second period and Sancho gets called for passivity giving Coleman a point and an opportunity to work on top. Coleman gets a tight gut wrench and takes Sancho over for 2 - now Coleman leads 3-2 with two minutes to go in the first. Sancho is pressing forward but he can't open Coleman up and Coleman's going to win it - 3-2. Now Coleman goes to Turkiye to attempt to qualify the weight for the Olympics. 

Greco-Roman 60 kg - Ildar Hafizov vs Dalton Roberts

Not much action in the first period - Hafizov gets called for passivity first and Roberts gets a point. Roberts can't score while on top and the score remains 1-0. Hafizov comes close to scoring with 20 seconds left in the first but a caution +2 is called on Roberts. Hafizov leads 2-1 at the break. 

Second period underway and Dalton Roberts catches Hafizov in a front head lock. Roberts transitions to a chest wrap and gets the takedown to go ahead 3-2. Hafizov can't break through Roberts' defense and Roberts wins it -32. Roberts will now go to the World Olympic Games Qualifier in Istanbul to attempt to qualify the weight for the Olympics.

Olympic Trials Finals - Round 2

Men's Freestyle 86 kg - David Taylor vs Aaron Brooks

Brooks pulled off the HUGE upset in round 1 with a 4-1 win over David Taylor. I expect Taylor to be more offensive in this one but we'll see, Brooks looked great in the first match. Taylor comes out noticeably more aggressive in the opening of this match but Brooks defends all of Taylor's attempts. Now we've got blood time - looks like Taylor is dealing with a bloody nose and he'll get cleaned up. Brooks digs an under hook and Taylor defends but gets called for a caution +1 and Brooks takes the early lead. Now Taylor drops in on a single but Brooks defends and turns it into his own offense for the takedown - Brooks leads 3-0 at the end of the first period.

Taylor comes back out with more offense in the second - he gets to a leg but can't finish. Brooks defense is really giving Taylor trouble. 90 seconds in and Brooks goes on the clock - he doesn't score so now it's 3-1 - Taylor only needs a takedown to win. Taylor gets in on a single and brings it to his feet - he looks to trip but Brooks sits the corner and he defends without giving up any points. Brooks does it! He beats David Taylor in two straight matches and he's our 86 kg Olympian!

Women's Freestyle 68 kg - Amit Elor vs Forrest Molinari

Elor won the first match in a controlling, 6-0 bout - Molinari wasn't really close to scoring and Elor controlled pretty much all aspects. 30 seconds in and Elor works Molinari to the edge and earns a step out. A minute goes by with Elor controlling ties and Molinari gets put on the clock. 30 seconds runs out and Elor gets another point - she's up 2-0 now. Elor times a nice snatch double but Molinari uses a chest wrap to defend and avoids giving up any points - Elor leads 2-0 at the end of the first. 

A minute goes by in the second without a score and Elor gets put on the clock - kind of surprised by that since Elor has controlled this bout and the ties but sometimes that's how the game goes. Elor gets close to scoring while on the shot clock but Molinari defends and earns a point as the clock expires - it's 2-1 now and Molinari can win with a step out. Molinari presses forward but Elor catches her with an under hook and defends the final 30 seconds to win a tight one - 2-1. Elor makes her first Olympic team and expectations will be high for her in Paris!

Women's Freestyle 57 kg - Helen Maroulis vs Jacarra Winchester

Quick start for Helen Maroulis as she gets an early takedown. Maroulis won match one dominantly with a pini in the first period after building a 10-0 lead. Winchester isn't coming forward at all but Maroulis isn't forcing anything so the score remains 2-0 at the break.

Maroulis comes out with a little more urgency in the second and builds a 6-0 lead after securing a takedown and two step outs. Winchester hasn't been close to scoring and there's only 30 second left - she's going to need to go big if she hopes to have a chance here. Maroulis holds position and Winchester doesn't have any answers - Maroulis wins 6-0. Helen Maroulis becomes the first American woman to make three Olympic teams!

Men's Freestyle 97 kg - Kyle Dake vs Jason Nolf

Kyle Dake won round one in a controlling 4-1 decision. Not much happening in the first 90 seconds and Nolf is put on the clock. 30 seconds runs out and Dake receives a point after Nolf fails to score. Another 30 seconds goes by and now Dake is warned for passivity - that's his first. Dake holds a 1-0 lead heading into the break and Nolf hasn't been close to scoring in the 9 minutes we've seen them wrestle today.

Dake comes out with heavy pressure and is controlling the ties putting Nolf in the danger zone. Nolf gets hit for another passivity and he'll go on the clock again. Nolf can't score so Dake earns another point and is up 2-0 now. Dake continues to control ties and gets to a single running Nolf out of bounds for a step out - Dake up 3-0. Under 20 seconds to go and Nolf finally gets to a single - he runs Dake out of bounds for his first points of the match but there are only 13 seconds left. Nolf sprints forward but Dake defends and secures the 3-1 victory. Dake is back on the Olympic team and he'll look to upgrade his bronze medal from the Tokyo Olympics to gold in Paris.

Greco-Roman 130 kg - Adam Coon vs Cohlton Schultz

 Schultz won the first match 3-1...I don't expect this one to be high-scoring but we'll see. No surprises in the first - Coon gets called for passivity giving Schultz a point but that's all that happened - Schultz leads 1-0 at the break.

40 seconds into the second period and it's Schultz called for passivity now - Coon gets a point and takes the criteria lead. Coon doesn't score on top so the score remains 1-1 with two minutes to go. Schultz needs to score but Coon is holding position and staying in the handfight. Now Coon gets called for passivity with a little over one minute to go. Schultz doesn't get a point because it's the third passivity call of the match but he'll get a chance on top. Schultz doesn't get close to scoring and Coon is still in the lead on criteria 1-1 with under a minute to go. Schultz can't open Coon up and Coon holds on to win and we'll see a third match later tonight to decide the Olympic spot.

Women's Freestyle 50 kg - Sarah Hildebrandt vs Audrey Jimenez

 Hildebrandt won match one - 10-0. Jimenez comes out firing a few shots but it's Hildebrandt who gets in on a clean single and she finishes quickly for a takedown. Hildebrandt is working hard for the lace but Jimenez defends and they get a fresh start on their feet. Credit to Jimenez - she stays on the attack but Hildebrandt defends a shot and Hildebrandt runs behind for the takedown. Hildebrandt gets another takedown before time runs out in the first and leads 6-0 at the break.

Hildebrandt gets back to her offense and scores another takedown early in the second period. Jimenez stays on the attack but Hildebrandt defends a nice single. Now it's Hildebrandt in on a single leg, she's a bit extended but she pulls it in and finishes the takedown for a 10-0 tech. Sarah Hildebrandt makes her second straight Olympic team!

Men's Freestyle 97 kg - Kyle Snyder vs Isaac Trumble

Kyle Snyder beat Isaac Trumble 5-0 in the first match and he's out to a 1-0 lead early here after getting his hands locked around Trumble's leg on a perfectly timed snatch single. Another point for Snyder off a step out and he leads 2-0 at the break...pretty uneventful first period.

Snyder comes out furiously in the second period but again is only able to get a step out after getting to a body lock - 3-0 Snyder now. Trumble gets put on the clock with about 90 seconds to go - a couple good flurries in that 30-second time frame but Trumble can't score and Snyder goes ahead 4-0. Snyder hits a nice, low-level attack and gets in deep but Trumble threatens with a chest wrap. Trumble almost scores but Snyder avoids giving up a takedown. Still 4-0 and time runs out - Kyle Snyder wins and becomes just the 11th American in wrestling history to make a third Olympic team.

Greco-Roman 97 kg - Alan Vera vs Joe Rau

Alan Vera won the first match over Joe Rau, 7-1 but it was tied at one in the third period until Vera got on top and gutted Rau three times - Rau is going to have to do everything he can to avoid going under Vera. Rau gets his chance on top first as Vera gets put under but Rau isn't able to score on top so it's only a 1-0 lead for Rau early. Rau gets two more right at the end of the period and now he holds a 3-0 lead at the break.

Rau is continuing to move forward and he gets Vera put down again on a passivity call. Rau works for a reverse lift but Vera comes to his feet to defend. Vera tries to escape but gets hit with a caution +2 and now Rau leads 6-0. Vera can't generate any offense and Rau's gonna win this one to force a third match.

Women's Freestyle 76 kg - Adeline Gray vs Kennedy Blades

Kennedy Blades is taking on Adeline Gray - Blades won match 1 but the bout was certainly in the balance. Similar to the first bout, Blades scores early and uses a single leg for a quick takedown to lead 2-0. Gray is slowing Blades down in the tie and gets close to scoring a few times with her two-on-one. Despite that, Gray isn't able to score and it's 2-0 at the break with Blades leading.

Blades adds another point with a step out in the second but Gray responds with a takedown of her own and it's 3-2 now with two minutes to go. Gray is pressuring forward but Blades uses that pressure and secures another step out. Gray gets back to her two-on-one but Blades steps through and secures a really slick takedown - Blades leads 6-2 now. Gray is feeling the urgency and gets in deep on a double but Blades' defense is too much and she counters for another takedown, 8-2 now. Gray isn't giving up and gets a step out but she's running out of time. Blades wins 8-3! It's a changing of the guard at 76 kg and Kennedy Blades is our Olympian!

Men's Freestyle 125 kg - Mason Parris vs Hayden Zillmer

Match 2 between Mason Parris and Hayden Zillmer. Parris won round 1 in a controlling, 7-0 decision. This match starts a little slower than the first bout with no score through the first minute so Zillmer goes on the clock first. Zillmer isn't able to score and Mason Parris leads 1-0 at the break.

Parris gets to his offense in the second period and finishes off the mat for a takedown to lead 3-0. Zillmer is really picking up his pace and gets to Parris' legs but Parris scrambles out and secures another takedown. Zillmer takes an errant shot and Parris runs behind for a takedown. Parris is going to win this one by the same score as the first match, 7-0. Mason Parris wins two straight and is the 125 kg Olympian!

Women's Freestyle 62 kg - Kayla Miracle vs Macey Kilty

Kayla Miracle vs Macey Kilty round 2. Miracle won the first match and leads Kilty in their rivalry 6 matches to 2 in their careers. Not much action in the first 90 seconds here and Kilty gets put on the clock first. 30 seconds goes by and Miracle gets a point after Kilty fails to score. Miracle gets in on a shot and is close to finishing but Kilty threatens with a hip-tip and the position is stalemated. Score remains 1-0 with Miracle leading after one.

No score after 40 seconds in the second period and now Miracle gets put on the clock. Though Miracle has to score, it's Kilty who attacks and gets in deep on a leg but Miracle takes her through for an exposure with a crotch lift. Kilty scores 1 point on the reversal and it's 3-1 with under a minute to go. Now 20 seconds left and Kilty gets back in on a single leg, she has her head outside and is close to finishing but time runs out and Miracle hangs on to win, 3-1. Kilty's corner challenges but the call is upheld so Miracle will receive another point. Big win for Miracle - she makes her second straight Olympic team!

Greco-Roman 87 kg - Spencer Woods vs Payton Jacobson

Round 2 between Payton Jacobson and Spencer Woods - Jacobson won match one - 8-2. Not much action in the first - Jacobson goes ahead 1-0 after Woods gets called for passivity but Jacobson can't score while on top. The score remains 1-0 until one minute into the second period when Jacobson gets called for passivity giving Woods a turn on top. Woods takes advantage of the opportunity and gets a reverse lift for four points to take a 5-1 lead. Jacobson earns a step out but he can't get anything else and Woods wins 5-2. Woods and Jacobson will go to a third match to decide the Olympic team member at 87 kg.

Women's Freestyle 53 kg - Dom Parrish vs Haley Augello

Dom Parris vs Haley Augello will kick off our final session of the tournament. Parrish won the first round but it was a close one - 2-1. Augello comes out looking to go upper body but Parrish counters with a nice inside trip and finishes cleanly for two to take the early 2-0 lead. Parrish continues to hold center and control the handfight and now Augello gets put on the clock with a minute to go in the first. Augello can't break through Parrish's defense and another point goes on the board for Parrish. Augello rips a headlock but time was already out in the first and it's 3-0 at the break.

Augello is picking up her pace in the second but still can't get to her offense. 90 seconds to go and Parrish gets put on the clock...30 seconds goes by and Augello gets her first point of the match. It's 3-1 now and a takedown will put Augello in the lead. Augello gets close on a leg attack but Parrish counters for a takedown. Parrish leads 5-1 now with just 30 seconds to go in the match. Augello looks to go upper body but only earns a stepout and Parrish is going to win this one 5-2. Dom Parrish is our 53 kg Olympian!

Greco-Roman 77 kg - Kamal Bey vs Aliaksandr Kikinou

Kamal Bey won the first match over Aliaksandr Kikinou by tech fall. Bey gets a big lift and scores a 4 and then a 2 - Bey leads 6-0 two minutes into the first period. Not much action in the rest of the period and Bey holds his lead into the second period. Bey's not forcing anything in the second period and Kikinou can't get through Bey's defense. Bey wins a controlling match here - 6-0 and he sweeps the series. Kamal Bey will now compete at the last World Olympic Games qualifier to attempt to qualify 77 kg for the Olympics

Men's Freestyle 65 kg - Zain Retherford vs Nick Lee

Zain Retherford won the first match over Nick Lee but it was a close, 2-1 match. Retherford hits a clean double and finishes quickly for two - he transitions right to his turn and is awarded four points for two turns. Lee's corner challenges and wins so Retherford's lead is only 4-0. Retherford gets to another shot but this time he settles for a step out and extends his lead to 5-0. Not much action the remainder of the first period and Retherford holds the 5-0 lead into the break.

Retherford looks content to hold position and hand fight in the second period. Lee isn't able to open Retherford up at all and the ref isn't calling anyone for passivity. Retherford continues to hold position and Lee's not getting close to scoring. Retherford wins 5-0 and he'll travel to Istanbul to attempt to qualify Team USA for the Olympics at 65 kg.

Greco-Roman 67 kg - Alejandro Sancho vs Ellis Coleman

Match two between Alejandro Sancho and Ellis Coleman - Sancho won the first bout but it was close. Coleman gets the first point with Sancho being called for passivity. Coleman doesn't score and it's still only 1-0. That's how the score remains into the second period and Sancho gets put down again so Coleman extends his lead to 2-0. Sancho can't break through Coleman's defense and Coleman wins an uneventful 2-0 bout. Sancho and Coleman will wrestle a third match later tonight.

Men's Freestyle 57 kg - Spencer Lee vs Thomas Gilman

Spencer Lee vs Thomas Gilman, round 2. Lee won the first match 6-3, Gilman needs to win this one to force match 3. Slow start to this match and Gilman gets put on the clock 90 seconds into the bout. Right as the clock runs out, Lee shoots a low single and brings it to his feet. Lee walks Gilman out for the step and extends his lead to 2-0. Not much action to close out the first period and Lee holds his 2-0 lead at the end of the first.

Thirty seconds into the second period and Gilman gets to his lefty single - Lee defends with a whizzer but Gilman earns the step out and Lee's lead is cut to 2-1. Gilman takes another shot but Lee tries to counter but it's Gilman who ends up on the leg. Gilman is close to finishing the takedown but settles for a step out again. Gilman leads 2-2 but Spencer Lee throws an under hook by to a single leg. After a scramble Lee finishes the takedown and transitions right to a trap arm. Lee turns Gilman twice and then ends the match with a fall! Spencer Lee pins Thomas Gilman and he wins the 57 kg Olympic spot. Lee will now head to Istanbul, Turkiye in a few weeks to attempt to qualify the weight for the Olympics.

Greco-Roman 60 kg - Ildar Hafizov vs Dalton Roberts

It's round two between Ildar Hafizov and Dalton Roberts - Roberts won match one and gets a step out early to take a 1-0 lead. However, Hafizov responds with a big four, then guts a gut and another four-pointer to end the match by tech fall. We'll have a third match between these two in tonight's session.

Olympic Trials Finals - Round 1

Men's Freestyle 86 kg - David Taylor vs Aaron Brooks

David Taylor vs Aaron Brooks - this is a rematch of last year's Final X where Taylor won two, fairly close bouts. Hard hand fighting by both men - Brooks gets an underhook and is close to the score but Taylor defends with a leg in and it's still 0-0. Another nice exchange and Brooks times a reattack perfectly and runs behind for the takedown - Brooks strikes first and leads 2-0. Taylor doesn't fire off any shots for the remainder of the period and Brooks holds the 2-0 lead after the first period. 

After a minute of scoreless wrestling in the second, Taylor goes on the shot clock. Taylor gets to his high crotch but can't finish the takedown - Brooks still leads 2-1. Taylor needs two points but Brooks is holding solid position and it's Brooks who blasts through a double and he finishes the takedown to lead 4-1. Taylor is coming forward but can't get through Brooks' defense and Brooks pulls off the upset! Aaron Brooks takes out David Taylor - 4-1.

Women's Freestyle 68 kg - Amit Elor vs Forrest Molinari

Two-time world champion Amit Elor is taking on world medalist Forrest Molinari. I don't believe these two have met in formal competition but Elor's the favorite here considering her recent success. Elor's doing a good job controlling ties and she earns a takedown a minute in to take the 2-0 lead. Molinari can't get through Elor's head-hands defense and Elor gets two easy step outs and holds a 4-0 lead heading to the break.

A lof of the same in the second period for Elor - she's doing a great job controlling the ties. Molinari takes an errant shot - Elor has a near side cradle locked up but can't take it through and only earns a takedown. Molinari is coming forward but Elor's defense is too good - Elor wins a controlling, 6-0 decision.

Greco-Roman 130 kg - Cohlton Schultz vs Adam Coon

This is the 10th meeting between these two - Coon won the first 5, Schultz has won the last 4. Cohlton controls ties early and forces a quick step out to take the lead. Now Coon gets put down and Schultz earns another point but can't get a turn or lift. Before the end of the period, Schultz gets another step out and leads 3-0 at the break.

Not a ton of action in the second - neither wrestler is put down. Coon finally earns a point for a step out with 30 seconds but he can't get anything else going. Schultz wins 3-1.

Women's Freestyle 57 kg - Helen Maroulis vs Jacarra Winchester

Interesting matchup here between Helen Maroulis and Jacarra Winchester. Maroulis gets to her offense early with a clean single leg and she finishes it for two. Winchester responds with a nice single but Maroulis somehow scrambles without giving up any points. Maroulis gets back on the attack - she gets another takedown then hits a four-pointer to take Winchester to her back - Maroulis gets the fall! 

Men's Freestyle 74 kg - Jason Nolf vs Kyle Dake

Jason Nolf vs Kyle Dake...I believe Dake is 5-0 in his career against Nolf. Dake hits a clean single leg early, Nolf tries to defend with a whizzer but Dake fights through it and finishes for two. Dake almost gets to his high gut but they go out of bounds before Nolf exposes. Dake slows down a bit after the first takedown and holds the 2-0 lead into the break.

Nolf comes forward at the start of the second period but he can't get through Dake's head-hands defense. Dake is hit for passivity early but then Nolf gets hit and it'll be Nolf that goes on the clock. Nolf pressures forward but Dake counters and Nolf steps out to add another point for Dake. The shot clock runs out and now Dake leads 4-0. Nolf isn't even getting close on his attacks and that 4-0 deficit feels a lot great with Dake's defense and positioning. Dake gets hit for a caution +1 but it's with 3 seconds left and Dake wins match one, 4-1.

Greco-Roman 97 kg - Alan Vera vs Joe Rau

Alan Vera vs Joe Rau - these two wrestled in the finals of Senior Nationals in December with Vera winning 12-5. According to Jason Bryant, Vera is 3-0 in his career against Rau. This one starts slow but Vera gets to go in par terre first but isn't able to score - Vera holds a 1-0 lead at the end of the first.

Similar slow start in the second period and Vera gets put down but Rau can't score. Not a ton of action here but now they put Rau down. Vera gets on top and takes Rau through 3 times with a gut wrench to lead 7-1. That's how it ends - Vera wins match 1.

Women's Freestyle 50 kg - Sarah Hildebrandt vs Audrey Jimenez

Sarah Hildebrandt gets to her right-side single early and finishes for the takedown - Hildebrandt leads Audrey Jimenez - 2-0. Hildebrandt's controlling the ties and Jimenez shoots an errant shot - Hildebrandt runs behind for the takedown. Back on their feet, Hildebrandt pulls another shot in and finishes quickly for two more - Hildebrandt leads 6-0 at the break.

Hildebrandt hits a nice knee pick early in the second period and secures another takedown. She then transitions to a bar and runs it over for two more. Hildebrandt picks up the dominant tech fall - 10-0.

Men's Freestyle 97 kg - Kyle Snyder vs Isaac Trumble

Kyle Snyder vs Isaac Trumble - this one has the potential to be a lot closer than most expect. Trumble has made a ton of progress in his freestyle game over the past year and won a U23 world title last summer. Solid hand fight from Snyder to start the match and Trumble is getting caught underneath with Snyder holding a front head lock. Trumble's doing a good job defending but Snyder's pressure is too much and Snyder finally runs behind for two - Snyder leads 2-0 at the break.

Now in the second, Snyder gets to a leg attack early - he runs his feet but only gets one point on the step out - Snyder leads 3-0. Trumble takes an errant shot and Sndyer works to an angle and runs behind for another 2 - Snyder's in control of this one 5-0. Trumble's really solid but Snyder makes it look easy and wins match 1.

Greco-Roman 87 kg Spencer Woods vs Payton Jacobs

Woods is the returning world team member but Jacobson is having a great tournament. Woods gets put down first and Jacobson takes advantage of it with a lift for 4 points. Woods counters for two more of his own but Jacobson gets a step out to lead 6-2. Jacobson comes back with another 2 points and leads 8-2 at the break. Not a ton of action in the second. Woods is pressing hard for a score but Jacobon is holding position well and Jacobson wins 8-2.

Women's Freestyle 76 kg - Adeline Gray vs Kennedy Blades

Adeline Gray vs Kennedy Blades! This is the third time these two have - Blades won at the 2023 US Open but then Gray won two in a row at Final X. Blades hits a big double and blasts through for a feet-to-back finish - Blades leads 4-0 early. Gray's doing a good job of tying Blades up and now Gray finishes a takedown to cut the lead to 4-2. Gray gets back to her two-on-one and works to the rear standing position - Gray looks for a big lift but Blades turns down and only gives up 2 points - it's 4-4 at the break with Blades leading on criteria. 

Blades gets to a single at the start of the second period and runs Gray out for a step out - Blades leads 5-4. Gray gets back to her two-on-one but Blades is doing a much better job this period in the hand fight. Gray works her way to double under hooks, Gray gets close to the step out but Blades hits a slide by for her own step out to extend her lead. Short time and Gray's coming forward but Blades fires off a single and finishes for two - now they get into a scramble but Blades comes out on top as time expires - I believe the final score was 11-6. Great showing from Blades but Gray is right there. 

Men's Freestyle 125 kg - Mason Parris vs Hayden Zillmer

Mason Parris vs Hayden Zillmer should be good with the athleticism of both of these heavies. Not much action in the first minute and Zillmer gets put on the clock but isn't able to score so he gives up a point. Now it's Parris who's called for passivity but Parris gets in on a shot and finishes quickly to extend his lead to 3-0.

After the break, Zillmer comes out firing but Parris hits a nice reattack for the takedown and now Parris leads 5-0. You can tell Zillmer's feeling the urgency of having to score and he takes an errant shot - Parris runs behind and easily secures the takedown. Parris wins this one in controlling fashion - 7-0.

Greco-Roman 77 kg - Kamal Bey vs Aliaksandr Kikinou

Bey is the favorite here but it's still pretty incredible that Kikinou made the finals as a 44-year-old. Bey gets his turn on top first and converts for 4 points on a lift. The score holds at 5-0 with Bey leading at the end of the first. Nice flurry to start the second period - Bey's looking to end this one but Kikinou gets him to step out and it's 5-1. Bey comes forward hard and this time gets to a lock and finishes for four points - Bey wins match 1 by tech - 9-1.

Women's Freestyle 62 kg - Kayla Miracle vs Macey Kilty

Kayla Miracle vs Macey Kilty - this is a rematch from the 2021 Olympic Trials where they split matches but Kilty was hurt in the third match and had to injury default. Miracle scores first with a step out - she seems really effective getting to her offense early. Miracle gets in again but this time Kilty turns it into her offense and exposes Miracle to take the lead. Miracle's back in and this time they exchange exposure points and Kilty adds another on a reversal - Kilty leads 5-4 at the end of the first. 

Miracle's back to her offense in the second period and this time she finishes cleanly this time - Miracle's in the lead now 6-5. Kilty needs a takedown or two step outs to take the lead. Kilty's really pressuring forward, she gets to Miracle's legs but Miracle uses a crotch lift and takes Kilty over as time expires - Miracle wins match 1, 8-5.

Greco-Roman 67 kg - Ellis Coleman vs Alejandro Sancho

Ellis Coleman vs Alejandro Sancho - these two are very familiar opponents - according to Jason Bryant, they've wrestled 9 times on the senior level. Sancho gets put down first but Coleman can't get any parterre offense going - Coleman leads 1-0. After the break, Sancho gets his turn on top but can't get to a lift or turn so Sancho leads on criteria - 1-1. A minute to go and Sancho gets put back down but Coleman doesn't earn a point because it's the third forced parterre call of the match (that's a Greco rule). Coleman gets SO CLOSE to taking a gut through but Sancho defends. 1-1 with 30 seconds left and that's how it ends - Sancho wins a tight one.

Men's Freestyle 65 kg - Zain Retherford vs Nick Lee

Penn State fans in the arena are excited about this one - Zain Retherford vs Nick Lee! You have to imagine these two are very familiar with one another and their matches are going to be tight today. No score or really much action at all in the first 90 seconds and Zain Retherford goes on the shot clock first. Now Retherford fires off a single and a wild scramble ensues - really great back and forth but no score and the shot clock runs out - Lee leads 1-0. Retherford gets back to his single and this time he doesn't try to finish but just runs Lee out for the step out - Retherford leads on criteria at the break.

It's a similar start to the second period as the first and now Nick Lee goes on the shot clock. Lee doesn't get close to scoring and Retherford leads 2-1 with a minute to go in the match. Lee's coming forward but Retherford is holding great position and their heads collide - looks like both are split open so we've got blood time. They're cleaned up and there's 32 seconds to go - Lee's coming forward but not really firing off committed leg attacks. Ref stops the action to give an attention call to Retherford. There's 11 seconds left and we'll have another break for blood time. Back underway and Lee's looks like he's trying to go upper body but can't get to a control position and Retherford wins a tight one - 2-1. 

Women's Freestyle 53 kg - Dom Parrish vs Haley Augello

Dom Parrish vs Haley Augello here at 53 kg. Parrish has been the rep the past few years but Augello is the former Olympian. Not much action in the first - seems like both wrestlers are feeling one another out to start. Now Parrish gets to her offense and earns a takedown with 90 seconds to go in the first. Pretty slow after that and it's still 2-0 with Parrish leading at the end of the first. 

Haley Augello comes forward hard right at the start of the second period and earns a stepout - Parrish's lead is cut to 2-1 now. Augello is pressing forward but Parrish is controlling the hand fight so Augello isn't getting that close to scoring. A few more attempts for Augello but Parrish defends and she's going to win match one - 2-1.

Men's Freestyle 57 kg - Spencer Lee vs Thomas Gilman

Here we go - Spencer Lee vs Thomas Gilman! The match is underway and Gilman is controlling center early - Spencer gets called for passivity first. Now it's Spencer coming forward with double underhooks - Lee brings Gilman to the edge but Gilman drops to a knee and we get a fresh start at the center of the mat. Sill scoreless with 90 seconds to go in the first and Lee goes on the clock. Lee doesn't score and Gilman goes up 1-0. Gilman gets to a single now but Spencer defends with a shin whizzer - very quick whistle and it's called a stalemate with 30 seconds to go in the period. Now it's Lee who gets to his single - he fights through Gilman's defense, brings the leg up to his feet and earns a step out. Lee leads on criteria, 1-1 at the break.

Start of the second period and neither wrestler takes a committed attack in the first period. Gilman coming forward slightly more than Lee and Lee uses that pressure, gets in on a single leg and finishes for the takedown. Lee has a trap arm and takes Gilman over for two - Lee leads 5-1. A little over a minute to go and now Gilman gets in deep - he lifts Lee up in the air and finishes big but Lee's able to turn down giving up only 2 points. NLWC corner challenges - they want four points. They're showing the replay in the arena, it's really close but the call is upheld and another point goes on the board for Lee - he leads 6-3 with 30 seconds to go in the match. Gilman comes forward but can't get to Spencer's legs - Lee wins 6-3.

Greco-Roman 60 kg - Ildar Hafizov vs Dalton Roberts

We've got Ildar Hafizov vs Dalton Roberts up first in the Trials finals. These two have wrestled numerous times over the past few years and have gone back and forth making world teams since 2017. Expect this one to be close from start to finish. Not much action in the first - Roberts earns a passivity point but isn't able to score while on top in par terre. Roberts adds another point on a step out and leads 2-0 at the break. Similar to the first period, not much action in the second. Hafizov is trying to open Roberts up but he's unable and doesn't earn any passivity points - Roberts wins 2-0.

Session 2 - Challenge Tournament Finals

Men's Freestyle 74 kg

Jordan Burroughs is taking on Jason Nolf! This one should be incredible - the two have only wrestled once before - Burroughs won 5-3 at the 2021 World Team Trials at 79 kg. After an early flurry, the ref awarded Nolf one point on a step out but this was taken away after a challenge by Burroughs' corner. Burroughs gets called for passivity twice and goes on the shot clock with 1:20 to go in the first period. Nolf holds position and earns a point after the 30-second shot clock runs out. Nolf continues to come forward and is awarded two points on the edge but Burroughs' corner challenges and the call is reversed - it's 1-0 at the break.

Back at the center and Nolf fires off a double leg for a takedown right off the whistle - "Let's go Nolf!" chants are booming throughout the arena. Burroughs is working for step outs but Nolf is holding position well and Burroughs can't get any offense going. Nolf's gonna do it - he wins 3-0 and the Penn State crowd is on their feet! 

Men's Freestyle 97 kg

Isaac Trumble is cruising against Kollin Moore - he's got three takedowns in the first period while Moore was only able to earn a step out - it's 6-1 at the break. Trumble continues to roll in the second and secures three more takedowns in 90 seconds to earn the 11-1 tech. Incredible performance by Trumble and now he'll take on Kyle Snyder tomorrow in the best of three trials.

Men's Freestyle 125 kg

Not a ton of action in the first period between Nick Gwiazdowski and Hayden Zillmer. Gwiz gets put on the shot clock and Zillmer earns a point after Gwiz fails to score - Zillmer holds a 1-0 lead heading into the break. A minute goes by in the second and now Zillmer's on the clock. He doesn't score and Gwiz takes the lead on criteria. Another minute, and still no action so now Gwiz is called for passivity and he goes on the clock. Gwiz is picking up his pace but it's Zillmer who dives in on a leg, Gwiz goes for a crotch lift but Zillmer catches him on his back and scores 2. Zillmer adds a step out and caution +1 and Zillmer wins it - 5-1. Now Zillmer will take on Mason Parris in tomorrow's finals.

Men's Freestyle 86 kg

We've got the final match of the night now between Zahid Valencia and Aaron Brooks! Last time these two wrestled was in the 2023 US Open Finals - there Valencia got out to a 6-0 lead before Zahid stormed back to win 10 or 12 to 6. A bit of a slow start to this one - Zahid gets in on a single leg at the 90-second mark but Brooks defends and there's no score. Brooks goes on the clock first but he doesn't score and Zahid takes a 1-0 lead with about 45 seconds to go in the first period. Big double for Brooks with 10 seconds to go but Zahid is somehow able to turn down and defend - the score stays 1-0 in Zahid's favor at the break.

We're back in action in the second and Zahid is really picking up his pace. Valencia hits a slick single but Brooks feeds him some heavy hips and Zahid is unable to finish. Valencia goes on the shot-clock and Brooks gets to a shot and runs him out of bounds. Originally it was called 2 but after a challenge it was just 1. Brooks gets another step out and the shot clock point to take a 3-1 lead. Valencia responds in a BIG way with a four-pointer on the edge of the mat. Brooks' corner challenges but loses and Valencia leads 6-3 with 90 seconds to go.

Brooks is pressuring forward but Valencia drops in on a shot and holds for a stalemate - under a minute to go now. They repeat this process with Zahid holding onto a single and a stalemate is called - 30 seconds to go. Off the whistle, Valencia fires a shot but Brooks runs behind for a takedown - it's 6-5 with Valencia leading. Brooks continues to come forward and earns a stepout but Valencia still leads on criteria - 6-6. Brooks comes forward and the ref calls a caution +1 for a singlet pull - Brooks goes ahead, 7-6. Valencia's corner wants to challenge but they won't let it happen and Brooks wins it. Wild match and Aaron Brooks will wrestle David Taylor in the trials finals tomorrow.

Women's Freestyle 50 kg

We've got Mortimer vs Jimenez - the winner of this match will take on Sarah Hildebrandt tomorrow! Not much going on in the first minute but Mortimer takes a 4-0 lead two minutes in after getting a takedown and exposure. However, Jimenez responded with a takedown of her own and followed up with a couple of leg laces to lead 6-4 at the break. Jimenez continued to roll in the second with a taskedown just 30 seconds into the period. Jimenez secured another takedown at the one-minute mark while Mortimer countered with a takedown of her own. It was too little, too late for Mortimer and Jimenez wins it - 10-6.

Women's Freestyle 53 kg

Haley Augello is taking on Areana Villaescusa and Augello gets on the board first with a takedown with about 90 seconds to go in the first period. Augello holds that lead into the break and then earns another point off a step out in the second. Villasecusa is struggling to get to any offense and Augello is going to hold on to win 3-0. Incredible showing for Augello - for those of you who don't know her story, she was an Olympian in 2016 and has been retired for multiple years. She came out of retirement in the past year and now she's in the Olympic Trials finals against Dom Parrish.

Women's Freestyle 68 kg

Not much action in the first period between Alex Glaude and Forrest Molinari. Molinari takes the lead on a step out after being put on the clock and she holds a 1-0 lead at the break. Glaude fires a shot right off the whistle in the second period and finishes for a quick takedown - she leads 2-1 now. After two step outs for Molinari, Glaude earns a point off a caution and Glaude takes the lead on criteria - 3-3. Molinari needs a point and she gets it with just 14 seconds left on a step out - Molinari wins it 4-3! Clutch step out for Molinari and she'll wrestle two-time world champion Amit Elor in the Olympic Trials finals tomorrow.

Women's Freestyle 76 kg

Kennedy Blades gets out to a quick lead over Yelena Makoyed with a takedown in less than 10 seconds. Blades continues to stay on her offense earning two more takedowns and a step out to build a 7-0 lead with a minute to go in the first. Blades gets to rear standing and looked for a big lift but Makoyed wisely turns down to only give up two - Blades leads 9-0 and they'll go to the break. Blades gets right back to her offense early in the second and finishes another shot to win by tech fall 11-0. That win puts Blades in the Olympic Trials finals against Adeline Gray.

Women's Freestyle 57 kg

Jacarra Winchester failed to make 53 kg but now she's in the challenge tournament finals up at 57 kg against a tough Alex Hedrick. Hedrick gets put on the clock first and Winchester takes a 1-0 lead after Hedrick fails to score. The score remains 1-0 at the end of the first and into the break.

Just over a minute into the second period and Jacarra Winchester converts on a shot to extend her lead to 3-0. Winchester is holding that lead but Hedrick scores 2 points on the exposure with under 20 seconds to go. Hedrick is coming forward now with double under hooks but Winchester defends and earns a step out - Winchester wins 4-2 and will face Helen Maroulis in the Trials finals.

Women's Freestyle 62 kg

Interesting matchup here between two world medalists in Macey Kilty and Jen Page. Kilty won world silver last year at 65 kg while Page won world bronze last year at 59 kg - now they're meeting in the middle at 62 kg. Kilty goes on the clock first and Page gets a point after Kilty fails to score. However, just after the clock runs out, Kilty gets a four-pointer to take the lead. Page gets a step out before the end of the first and Kilty leads 4-2 at the break.

Page gets another step out point a minute into the second period. After the restart, Kilty fires off a nice leg attack but Page takes her through for 2. Kilty then exposes Page for 2 and Kilty leads 6-5. This one's getting really fun! Page gets another step out and it's 6-6 but Kilty leads on criteria. There's under 15 seconds to go and Page is coming forward - Kilty gets in on a shot and gets two for exposure, Page then takes Kilty through for 2, but Kilty comes out on top for 1 more. Wild ending there and Kilty wins it 9-8.

Greco-Roman 87 kg

John Stefanowicz and Payton Jacobson wrestled in a pretty uneventful match. Stefanowicz scored first off a passivity and then Jacobson scored next off a passivity. That's it - Jacobson held on to win 1-1 and will face Spencer Woods tomorrow.

Greco-Roman 97 kg

It's Joe Rau vs Nick Boykin here. Boykin gets put down first and Rau goes to work on top. Rau earns two separate exposures on top but Boykin counters with two more of his own and Rau takes a 5-2 lead. Boykin gets a point in the second but that's it and Rau wins 5-3.

Greco-Roman 130 kg

Adam Coon controlled Aden Attao from the start with step out after step out to build a 4-0 lead off 4 step outs. Then Coon got his opportunity on top and took advantage of it with a 4-pointer to win by tech in the first, 9-0. Coon will now take on Cohlton Schultz in the Olympic Trials Finals tomorrow.

Session 2 - Semi-Finals

Semi-final bouts are on the mat - looks like we're only rolling with three mats this session. We've got Yianni Diakomihalis taking on Jesse Mendez, Mallory Velte vs Ashlynn Ortega, and Adaugo Nwachukwu vs Katie Lange starting us off

Men's Freestyle 65 kg

Yianni strikes first with a chest wrap off of Mendez's shot and secures two points for an exposure. Mendez wrestlers through the position and earns one point for the reversal. Mendez gets back to Yianni's legs but Yianni is defending again with the chest wrap. This time, Mendez fights through and finishes the takedown to take a 3-2 lead into the break.

A minute into the second period and Mendez still leads 3-2. Yianni seems to be picking up his activity slightly but hasn't been able to get to Mendez's legs yet. Blast double for Mendez and he gets four points but Yianni gets to the chest wrap again and scores two points - Mendez leads 7-4. Yianni shoots but Mendez times a reattack perfectly and lifts Yianni for 4 more! It's 11-4 now but Yianni's corner is challenging the call - I think they want points for Yianni in the exchange. And Yianni loses the challenge so now he's down 12-4 with just 30 seconds to go. Yianni needs a lot of points but he only earns a few step outs and Mendez wins 12-7! Wow - incredible match for Mendez and he'll face Zain Retherford later tonight.

We've got our real semifinals now on the mat with Andrew Alirez vs Nick Lee and Zain Retherford vs Jesse Mendez. It's gonna be tough to give you all the details on both matches but I'll do my best. Alirez strikes first with a four pointer but Nick Lee responds with an exposure and gut wrench to tie it up 4-4 - Alirez leads on criteria. Alirez gets in an another single leg but isn't able to finish and it's still 4-4 at the break. Alirez is getting to Lee's legs but Lee's making it really tough to finish.

In the second, Lee gets caught underneath and Alirez pulls him up with double underhooks to earn a step out. However, after the restart, Lee responds with a takedown to take his first lead of the match - 6-5. Now it's Lee in on a double and he finishes for 4 points but Alirez takes him over for two of his own - Lee leads 10-7. Alirez is coming forward and needs a few scores but Lee is holding position strong. Alirez gets to a single with 10 seconds to go, he looks to finish big but only gets two - it's 10-9 and Alirez's corner is challenging. They're not going to win and Lee takes it 11-9.

Mendez scores first against Retherford with a throw-by takedown but Retherford responds with a takedown of his own and it's 2-2 with 90 seconds to go in the first. Not much in the final 90 seconds of the frame and it's 2-2 at the break. Early in the second period, Mendez gets hit for passivity and Retherford scores after the shot clock runs out. Mendez is really pressuring knowing he has to score but he's having trouble breaking through Retherford's defense. Retherford stays in good position and defends - solid win by Retherford and he wins 3-2. Tomorrow's final will be Penn State vs Penn State with Zain Retherford taking on Nick Lee.

Men's Freestyle 86 kg

We've got Chance Marsteller vs Trent Hidlay now - that's A LOT of power on one mat. Hidlay strikes first with a takedown but Marsteller responds with a step out and it's 2-1 after the first. Not a ton of action in the first frame but both guys are hand-fighting hard and holding good position. A lot of the same in the second but Marsteller gets a step out to tie it up at 2 but he still trials on criteria. Time is winding down and Marsteller needs a score. Chance gets to a single with 10 seconds to go, Hidlay is defending but Marsteller finishes for the takedown with just 3 seconds to go! Marsteller wins it - 4-2.

Now we've got Zahid Valencia vs Chance Marsteller and Alex Dieringer vs Aaron Brooks on the mats. Dieringer strikes first with his signature dump for four points. Not much action for the remainder of the first period and Dieringer holds his 4-0 lead at the break. Early in the second period, Brooks gets to a single and Dieringer errantly attempts a head pinch but gets caught on his back for four points. Dieringer's corner challenges but loses so now it's 5-4 Aaron Brooks. After the challenge, Brooks gets back to a single and runs Dieringer out of bounds for a step out - Brooks looks like he's found his groove. Brooks adds another takedown and takes the match - 8-4.

Valencia secures a takedown a minute into the match to take a 2-0 lead. Another minute goes by without much action and Marsteller gets put on the clock. He doesn't score so Valencia extends his lead to 3-0. I was locked in on the Ringer - Brooks match so didn't catch all of the action in Valencia vs Marsteller but no points were scored after the first period. Valencia wins it - 3-0. Now Valencia will wrestle Aaron Brooks later tonight - the winner of that will take on David Taylor tomorrow in the best of three Olympic Trials Finals.

Men's Freestyle 74 kg

It's time for Jordan Burroughs vs Mitchell Mesenbrink! Burroughs looked a little slow in his first match and I'm really curious to see how he looks against Mesenbrink - we know Mesenbrink is gonna go wild here. Burroughs fires off a left side single early and pulls the leg in - he's looking to finish through the middle but just lifts and gets the exposure - Burroughs takes the lead, 2-0. Mesenbrink is coming forward frantically but that plays right into Burroughs double and he finishes another takedown then gets to his lace to extend his lead to 6-0. That exchange didn't scare Mesenbrink, he's still coming forward - Burroughs shoots, Mesenbrink with the reattack but Burroughs turns it into a step out. Burroughs is slow to get back to the center and the Penn State crowd doesn't like it - they're showering down the boos on Burroughs. 

After the break, Mesenbrink continues to come forward but Burroughs is doing a good job holding position. Burroughs has definitely slowed down in the second but he's wrestling smart and Mesenbrink hasn't been able to generate any offense. Burroughs gets to another single and runs Mesenbrink out of bounds to take an 8-0 lead with 30 seconds to go. Mesenbrink finally earns a step out but there's only 15 seconds to go. Mesenbrink continues to come forward and he earns another step out with seven seconds to go. It looked like Mesenbrink wouldn't let go of Burroughs' leg and Burroughs isn't happy - he shoves his head and gets hit with a caution +1 - the crowd is SHOWERING down boos on Burroughs. Burroughs wins 8-3 but the fans are not happy with Burroughs. Definitely no love between Burroughs and Mesenbrink as the exchange words and Burroughs shoves Mesenbrink again. More boos from the Penn State fans against Burroughs - wild scene!

Jason Nolf vs Jarrett Jacques is going on at the same time as Mesenbrink - Burroughs so I'm not sure how much detail I'll be able to give for this match. Nolf fires in and finishes a takedown quickly then transitions immediately to a turn - Nolf leads 4-0 a minute in. Jacques isn't backing down and he responds with a takedown of his own to close the gap to 4-2 at the break. 

After the break, Jacques gets to Nolf's legs again but Nolf scrambles through and earns a takedown - he leads 6-2. I missed a lot of the end of this match with the madness going on between Burroughs and Mesenbrink but Nolf wins 9-2.

Men's Freestyle 97 kg

We've got both 97 kg matches on the mats now - J'den Cox vs Kollin Moore and Jay Aiello vs Isaac Trumble. Cox gets two passivity calls against Moore and Moore will go on the clock first. He's unable to score and Cox takes a 1-0 lead that he'll carry into the break. After the break, Cox earns a quick step out to extend his lead to 2-0. A minute left now and Moore is in on a single - Cox goes chest wrap but Moore avoids exposure and gets the takedown to take the lead on criteria - 2-2. Cox needs one point to take the lead but he can't get it - Kollin Moore's going to win this one! Moore does it - he holds on to win 2-2 over J'den Cox.

After the hand shake, J'den is lingering in the center of the mat...he shares a brief moment with Kevin Jackson and then kneels down to take his shoes off. That's it, wow, J'den Cox is retiring from his competitive career. The crowd is on their feet giving J'den a standing ovation and he deserves it. J'den cox is one of the all-time greatest wrestlers in American history with two world titles, an Olympic bronze and 6 total world/Olympic medals. It's been a privilege to watch him wrestle.

Jay Aiello gets out to an early lead with a takedown to a turn just over 30 seconds into the bout. Trumble responds with a takedown of his own and it's 4-2 going into the break. After the break, Trumble continues to mount his comeback and earns another takedown to go ahead on criteria 4-4. Aiello is pressing forward but can't convert on his attacks and Trumble secures another takedown - Trumble wins it 6-4.

Men's Freestyle 125 kg

The first 125 kg bout of the night - Nick Gwiazdowski vs Greg Kerkvliet. Not a ton of action in the first - Gwiz gets but on the clock and gives up a point - Kerk leads 1-0 at the break. Similar action in the second - not much and Kerk goes on the clock but doesn't score so Gwiz leads on criteria 1-1. Now Kerk gets in on a single leg with under a minute but Gwiz sits the corner and takes a crotch lift through for 2 - Gwiz leads out right 3-1. Kerk gets to Gwiz's legs again but can't finish and Gwiz adds another takedown at the end of the match to win 5-1.

2022 World Teamer Hayden Zillmer is taking on heavyweight veteran Dom Bradley. This will be a great test for Zillmer after a long layoff from an injury early last year. Not much going in the fist period - Zillmer earns a point off a shot-clock and leads 1-0 at the break. Early in the second period, Zillmer gets to a single leg and shows off incredible strength to finish with exposure over the top and then does it again to extend his lead to 5-0. Bradley can't break through Zillmer's defense and Zillmer wins 5-0. Now Zillmer will wrestle Gwiazdowksi later tonight - the winner of that will take on Mason Parris in the best of trials finals tomorrow.

Men's Freestyle 57 kg

Spencer Lee vs Zane Richards is the first semi at 57 kg. Spencer gets to his offense right away and earns a takedown in just 20 seconds. After a fresh start, Lee gets another takedown and transitions to a lace to extend his lead to 6-0 - Spencer looks crisp here. The pace slows a bit after Spencer's fast start but he gets another takedown with just 30 seconds to go. He almost gets two more for the tech but just earns a step out as time expires in the first - Spencer takes a 9-0 lead into the break. 

After the break, Spencer gets back in on a double but Zane exposes Lee as he finishes so they trade two's. 20 seconds later, Richards gets a takedown to cut the lead to 11-4. The pace slows for a minute before Spencer extends his lead to 13-4 with another takedown. Spencer dives in on an errant shot with 9 seconds left and Zane runs behind for a takedown but Spencer wins it - 13-6.

Now we've got Daton Fix vs Thomas Gilman! Not a ton of action in the first period - both wrestlers look content to hand fight. A minute in and Gilman gets to a single leg at the edge of the mat - he elevates and looks to finish but only gets one point on the step out. With just under a minute left in the first, Fix gets put on the shot clock and he can't score so Gilman will take a 2-0 lead into the break.

Gilman gets a quick start in the second with a takedown 10 seconds into the period and now he's in control leading 4-0. Fix is pressing forward but really struggling to get to Gilman's legs. Fix taking a bunch of shots but not getting close and Gilman adds another takedown at the end of the match and he'll win it 6-0. Tomorrow's finals will be Spencer Lee vs Thomas Gilman!!!

Women's Freestyle 62 kg

Velte is in control at the break - she leads 6-0 over Ortega. Lange is leading Nwachukwu 4-3 at the break. Velte rolls to a tech - 11-0. Now Velte will face Jen Page later this evening. On the other side of things, Nwachukwu comes back to win 6-4 over Lange. Nwachukwu will now wrestle Macey Kilty later this evening.

In the second semi-final, Jen Page took the mat against Mallory Velte. Page got off to a fast start with a shot clock point and a step out but Velte responded with a big 4 to lead 4-2. Just 20 seconds later, Page earned her first takedown of the match and earned two more on top to lead 6-4 at the break. In the second, Page extended her lead to 8-4 with another takedown but Velte responded with a step out and takedown to close the gap to 8-7. Velte pressured forward steadily but Page defended well and held on for the 8-7 win.

Women's Freestyle 57 kg

#7 seed Cristelle Rodriguez is looking to keep her run going but she's up against past world team member Abby Nette. Nette's in control after one - she leads 7-2. Rodriguez makes it interesting in the second and cuts the lead to 7-5 but Nette adds a late takedown to win 9-5.

Women's Freestyle 50 kg

There were two techs in the semis at 50 kg - Audrey Jimenez teched Erin Golston (10-0) and Sage Mortimer teched Samara Chavez (16-6). Mortimer had to work for her's and was down early but came back with a takedown and locked up a lace to end the match in the second. Mortimer and Jimenez will now wrestle later in the challenge tournament finals for the right to wrestle Sarah Hildebrandt in tomorrow's finals.

Women's Freestyle 53 kg

Haley Augello and Katie Gomez are on the mat now - this is a rematch from Senior Nationals in December where Gomez won on criteria. Augello gets a step out early but not much else in the first and Augello leads 1-0 at the break. Gomez goes on the clock early in the second and is unable to score so Augello earns another point - she's up 2-0 now. Another minute goes by and now Augello goes on the clock but she can't score so the lead is cut in half. Gomez needs another point but Augello earns a step out so now Gomez needs a takedown to go ahead. Just 15 seconds left and Gomez is in on a single but Augello is defending with a chest wrap. Gomez almost gets the exposure but time runs out. Gomez's corner challenges but loses - add another point for Augello and she wins 4-1.

I missed a lot of the action in the other semifinal but #4 seed Areana Villaescusa got a big win over top-seeded Vayle Baker - 3-0. Villaescusa will now wrestle Augello later tonight, then the winner of that match will face off against 2022 World Champion Dom Parrish in tomorrow's finals.

Women's Freestyle 68 kg

I missed most of the action in these matches but Forrest Molinari secured a quick pin over Aine Drury and Alex Glaude won a controlling 9-1 decision over Reese Larramendy. Molinari and Glaude will wrestle later tonight to see who gets to wrestle Amit Elor in tomorrow's trials finals.

Women's Freestyle 76 kg

Big match here between Yelena Makoyed and Kylie Welker. This is a rematch of the national finals just last month where Welker came out on top to help Iowa win the team title. Makoyed strikes first here and gets a four on the edge to take an early lead. 30 seconds later, Welker takes an errant shot and Makoyed runs behind to extend her lead to 6-0 and that's the score heading into the break...check that - there's a challenge and Welker wins it. She exposed Makoyed right before time ran out and earned two points - 6-2 at the break.

After the break, Welker comes out and earns a takedown right away to cut the lead to 6-4. Welker needs to get to at least 7 points because of the early 4 for Makoyed. Welker's pressuring forward and taking a lot of shots but hasn't been able to convert on any yet. Makoyed's doing a good job of defending and she's gonna do it - Makoyed takes out Welker, 6-4.

Kennedy Blades ROLLED in her semifinal win over Dymond Guilford. She started with a big four and closed out with another 4-pointer to earn an 11-1 tech fall in the first period.

Greco-Roman 87 kg

#1 seed Mahmoud Sebie is taking on John Stefanowicz - both are past Olympians - Sebie for Egypt in 2016 and Stefanowicz for Team USA in 2021. Stefanowicz earns a correct throw in the first and that the only score of the first period - Stefanowicz leads 2-0 at the break. Not much in happened in the second period and Stefanowicz wins 3-0.

Payton Jacobson defeated Zac Braunagel, 6-0 while the Burroughs-Mesenbrink match was going on. Solid win for Jacobson and he'll face Stefanowicz in the challenge tournament finals later tonight.

Greco-Roman 97 kg

Joe Rau defeated Tate Orndorff, 5-1 while the Burroughs - Mesenbrink match was going on - I missed most of the action but Rau looked solid in a tough match.

Nick Boykin gets a big headlock early and Diante Cooper looks hurt. Cooper is going to continue to wrestle but Boykin is controlling this one. Boykin earns the fall in the second period and he'll face Joe Rau in the challenge tournament finals later tonight.

Greco-Roman 130 kg

Adam Coon and Donny Longedyke are up now - two big boys! Coon earns the passivity call against Longendyke first and Coon will get to work on top just 90 seconds into the bout. Coon gets to his gut and takes Longendyke over 4 times for the 9-0 tech.

Aden Attao starts his semi-final bout with a big 4 point move just 40 seconds into the match but Courtney Freeman exposes Attao for 2 points and Attao leads 4-2. I looked away and missed it but Attao ends the match with a four-pointer - he wins 10-2.

Greco-Roman 60 kg

With some of the other action going on, I missed a lot of the action at 60 kg but Dalton Roberts took out Max Black 5-2 and Ildar Hafizov defeated Sammy Jones, 9-1. Hafizov and Roberts will wrestle in the best of 3 finals tomorrow - these two are familiar rivals and have traded matches throughout their careers.

Greco-Roman 67 kg

Alejandro Sancho vs Pat Smith and Ellis Coleman vs Xavier Johnson are both on the mats now. Coleman gets out to a 6-0 lead over Johnson early but Johnson responds with a big 4 at the end of the first period. Johnson gets another point early in the second and gets an opportunity on top but isn't able to score any par terre points. Coleman still holds the lead and extends it to 7-5 with a step out. Despite his best efforts, Johnson can't score and Coleman holds on to win 7-5.

Not much happened in the other semifinal until the end. Sancho trailed Smith 2-1 and needed a step out to take the lead on criteria. Sancho got to a control position and earned a step out as time expired. Smith's corner challenged but lost and Sancho wins 3-2 by 1 second.

Greco-Roman 77 kg

Not much happened in the first period of Kamal Bey vs RaVaughn Perkins. Kamal Bey got put down in par terre first but Perkins wasn't able to score while on top. Perkins held that 1-0 lead into the break. Then in the second, Bey earned a quick step out then earned another point off a passivity. Once on top, Bey converted on two turns to extend his lead to 6-1. Bey added another step out to earn the controlling 7-1 victory.

The other semi-final match featured Aliaksandry Kikinou vs Benji Peak. This was a back and forth bout but in the end the veteran Kikinou came out on top 7-6.

Check out all of the semi-final matchups below:

Session 1 - Quarter-Finals

Men's Freestyle 65 kg

We're already rolling into the quarters with Alec Pantaleo taking on top-seeded Nick Lee and Jesse Mendez wrestling James Green. Not a ton of action in the first, Lee gets a passivity point to hold a 1-0 lead into the break. Now early in the second, Lee gets a takedown and goes to work on top with 3 turns to lead 9-0. Pantaleo hits a slick duck to get a takedown to make it 9-2 but he'll need a lot of offense quick if he hopes to erase this deficit. Pantaleo can't do it and Lee wins with a dominant 9-2 victory.

Uneventful first period between Green and Mendez - 1-0 Green leading at the break. Green gets a takedown in the second to extend his lead but Mendez counters to cut it to 3-2. Mendez gets another takedown and this time transition right to a gut to lead 6-3 with 30 seconds left. Green is spent and Mendez is gonna win this one - 6-3.

Now Yianni Diakomihalis is up against Kaleb Larkin. This could be an interesting one - Larkin is a good head taller than Yianni. Diakomihalis looks to be in control early - he gets a step out and takedown to take an early, 3-0 lead. Larkin gets a takedown and has a lace locked up tight! Wow, Larkin could ended here but Yianni defends and only goes over once. Wow - I can't believe Yianni didn't go over more than once. Yianni gets back to his offense and gets a takedown to a turn to lead 7-4.

WOAH! Things are getting wild in the Yianni-Larkin match. Larkin gets another takedown and has another lace locked up tight! Larkin's only able to get Yiann over once making the score 8-7 in Larkin's favor. Yianni gets a step out to tie it at 8 but Larkin still holds criteria so Yianni needs another point. Yianni gets to a single leg and has Larkin in the quad-pod position but time's running out. Yianni steps through to expose Larkin and points go on the board for Yianni. Time runs out with Yianni leading 10-8 but Larkins corner is challenging the final call. Yianni gets two more points after the challenge and wins an absolutely crazy match - 12-8.

The incredible matches just keep rolling with Andrew Alirez and Beau Bartlett up now. This is a rematch from Senior Nationals where Alirez won 8-0 but I'm guessing this one's going to be a lot closer. Alirez takes the lead early with a takedown in just 30 seconds. Things really slow down after that with Bartlett defending and he'll get called for passivity with just under a minute to go in the first. Right at the end of the first, Bartlett gets to Alirez's legs and converts for the takedown to lead 2-2 on criteria at the break. Right at one minute into the second Alirez gets another takedown and transitions right into his lace to lead 6-2. Bartlett's struggling to get to any offense and Alirez holds on to win 6-2.

Men's Freestyle 86 kg

Big matches coming up now - Aaron Brooks vs Connor Mirasola and Alex Dieringer vs Mark Hall. Brooks gets an early step out to lead 1-0 but Mirasola is hanging with Brooks better than I thought a minute in. Mirasola hits a nice reattack single and finishes on the edge to take a 2-1 lead! Really impressed with Mirasola here. Now Brooks is picking up his hand fight and pressure - he gets two quick stepouts and leads 3-2 at the break. Brooks continues to impose his pressure and uses his hand fight to set up his low single for a takedown. Brooks seems to be in a groove now an converts on two more takedowns but in the process, Mirasola exposes Brooks and earns two points. Not much time left now, Mirasola earns a passivity point but Brooks wins - 11-5. Impressive showing for young Mirasola but Brooks is on another level right now.

Alex Dieringer takes the lead after 90 seconds of no score with a passivity point. Mark Hall hits a really smooth duck under for a takedown and goes into the lead, 2-1. Just 30 seconds later, Dieringer responds with a takedown of his own to take back the lead before the break, 3-2. Mark Hall is having a hard time getting through Dieringer's defense and Dieringer counters an errant shot for another takedown. Despite the effort from Hall, Dieringer holds on to win 5-2.

Two more quarters up now at 86 - Trent Hidlay vs Carter Starocci and Evan Wick vs Chance Marsteller. Marsteller is controlling the bout against Wick. Marsteller with a nice takedown in the first and two more takedowns in the second. Wick can't get to Marsteller's legs and Marsteller wins 6-0.

Great match going on between Starocci and Hidlay - dualing underhooks with both earning step outs in the first. Hidlay finally used his underhook to score a takedown but then Starocci countered with a takedown of his own. Hidlay's pressure looks to really be challenging Starocci and Hilday earns another takedown to lead 5-3. Hidlay adds a step out, and though Starocci earns a step out too, Hidlay wins a good - 6-4.

Men's Freestyle 74 kg

Jordan Burroughs is on the mat! Burroughs is taking on Alex Facundo who redshirted this year at Penn State. It's Facundo who strikes first and earns a takedown with a nice single leg to lead 2-0. Burroughs is having trouble getting to Facundo's leg but Burroughs is doing a good job getting step outs and he earns two before the break to trail on criteria after the first. In the second, Burroughs earns another step out to take the lead 3-2. Facundo gets to Burroughs legs again and almost earns a step out but JB walks the out of bounds line and then gets Facundo to step out. NLWC corner is challenging but they lose the challenge and Burroughs gets another point to lead 5-2. Facundo is pressuring forward and earns another step out point but time runs out and Jordan Burroughs wins a tight match - 5-3.

While the Jordan Burroughs match was going on, Mitchell Mesenbrink teched Ladarion Lockett, 13-3. I can't provide you all the details (because I was locked into the Burroughs - Facundo match) but it was a fun one with some wild scrambles.

Also, while the Burroughs-Facundo match was going on, Jarrett Jacques upset #3 seed Quincy Monday, 5-0. Again, I missed a lot of the action but Jacques is putting together a great tournament with wins over Vincenzo Joseph and Quincy Monday.

Another great bout at 74 kg between Jason Nolf and Alex Marinelli. Nolf wastes little time after earning an early stepout and gets a takedown then immediately transitions to his par terre offense to take a 7-0 lead. Nolf pretty much shuts it down for the rest of the match and wins 7-2. 

Men's Freestyle 97 kg

J'den Cox is taking the mat for his first match at an Olympic Trials since 2016. Cox is wrestling Christian Carroll and I honestly have no idea how this match is going to go.Nothing really happened in the first - Carroll earned a point off a passivity. More of the same in the second but this time it's Cox earning a point and he leads on criteria. Really uneventful match and J'den Cox wins 1-1.

Nate Jackson and Kollin Moore are wrestling for what feels like the 20th time. Moore has Jackson's number in this rivalry and while I wasn't able to catch all the details, this match played out like most of their others. Jackson and Moore exchanged leads throughout but Moore pulled away in the end to win 16-6.

Jay Aiello won a wild match against Michael Macchiavello, 8-4. Macchiavello was up early but Aiello used a late takedown to a leg lace to pull away for the win.

Isaac Trumble won the final quarter-final bout over Eric Schultz. Trumble controlled from start to finish and won 7-3.

Men's Freestyle 125 kg

2022 World Teamer Hayden Zillmer is back after going down with an injury in early 2023. Zillmer's taking on Demetrius Thomas in his quarterfinal bout and took the lead early with a takedown. Thomas made things interesting in the second with a takedown to take the lead on criteria but Zillmer responded with a takedown of his own to regain the lead. Zillmer held the lead and won 4-2.

Playing catchup a bit here with some of the results so I'm not able to give detailed match notes. However, the match between Dom Bradley and Wyatt Hendrickson was the most exciting in this weight. At one point, Bradley ran Hendrickson completely off the stage! In the end, Bradley came out on top of a back-and-forth match, 12-8.

On the bottom side of the bracket both Greg Kerkvliet and Nick Gwiazdowski won their matches dominantly. Kerkvliet defeated Christian Lance 10-0 and Gwiazdowski beat Jaron Smith 12-1.

Men's Freestyle 57 kg

Huge matches this round with high schooler Jax Forrest taking on 2021 world champion Thomas Gilman. Forrest strikes first with his slide-by and earns a takedown! Gilman is getting to his under hook and used that to earn a step out. Gilman gets another step out to tie it up 2-2 but Forrest still leads on criteria, 2-2. Forrest is spending a lot of time on his knees with Gilman in the front head lock position. Gilman with the front headlock and Forrest sucker drags to another takedown - Forrest leads 4-2! Gilman earns another step out to close the gap to 4-3. Gilman gets back to his underhook and takes Forrest over on the edge for two - now Gilman takes his first lead of the match 5-4 as we go into the break.

The pace is slowing down a bit in the second period and neither wrestler seems to be forcing any offense. Forrest needs one point to take the lead but Gilman is holding position and defending well. Thirty seconds to go now and Forrest gets in deep on a fireman's but Gilman defends and Forrest still needs a point. Forrest is coming forward but can't convert and Gilman holds on to win - 5-4. Incredible match!

Zane Richards and Luke Lilledahl wrestled at the same time as Forrest and Gilman so I missed most of their action but followed the scores. Richards took a 3-0 lead off a takedown and step out but Lilledahl responded with a takedown of his own. Richards closed the door on Lilledahl with another takedown in the second and won 5-3.

Daton Fix and Nick Suriano also wrestled while Forrest and Gilman were wrestling so I didn't catch their full match. However, Fix won 5-1 in a fairly uneventful match. The turning point of the bout came when Suriano was behind Fix in quad pod but was unable to finish. Then, Suriano challenged and lost giving Fix a point.

Spencer Lee and Nico Megaludis is the final quarter at 57 kg. Spencer earned the first takedown with a pancake but didn't score while in par terre. Lee got another takedown and this time was able to get to his gut wrench for two turns and almost ended the match with a fall before Nico turned down. Despite not getting the fall, the damage was done for Lee and he took a 8-0 lead into the break. Spencer mostly shut it down in the second, and while Nico was close to scoring a few times, neither wrestler scored any points giving Spencer Lee the 8-0 win. 

Women's Freestyle 50 kg

#1 seed Audrey Jimenez is up for her first match of the tournament against Nyla Valencia. Jimenez gets a quick takedown, transitions to a lace, and ends it with a tech - great match for Jimenez. Similar to Jimenez, senior-level vet Erin Golston earns a quick tech over Kaelani Shufeldt. Jimenez and Golston should be a fun semifinal later today.

Sage Mortimer and Mia Palumbo are in a bit of a war on Mat 3. Mortimer is a really physical 50 kg wrestler and Palumbo is bleeding early. Mortimer takes the early lead with a takedown and turn but Palumbo responds with a takedown to make it 4-2 at the break. Palumbo gets to Mortimer's legs a few times in the second but Mortimer counters with a crotch lift. Mortimer just a little better and she wins 10-2. Mortimer will face Samar Chavez in the semis - Chaves took out Kendra Ryan, 10-3 in the quarters. 

Women's Freestyle 53 kg

53 kg has some great quarters and Katie Gomez kicks it off with a first period tech over Brianna Gonzalez. Gomez looks sharp but will be tested by Haley Augello in the semi finals later tonight. Augello defeated Felicity Taylor 5-1 in a match that she controlled from start to finish. I believe Augello and Gomez wrestled at Senior Nationals where Gomez won on criteria.

Areana Villaescusa and Vayle Baker won the other two quarter-finals and will meet in the semis. Baker had to hold on late against Amy Mason while Villaescua won 5-2 over Alisha Howk.

Women's Freestyle 57 kg

Top-seeded Xochitl Mota-Pettis teched Cameron Guerin to make the semis. Mota-Pettis will now wrestle #5 seed Alex Hedrick who defeated Bridgette Duty, 6-3 in the quarters.

On the bottom side of the bracket, #3 seed Abby Nette teched #6 seed Amani Jones, 13-2. #7 seed Cristelle Rodriguez pulled off the upset of the weight defeating #2 seed Amanda Martinez, 4-2. 

Women's Freestyle 62 kg

Two-time world medalist and #1 seed Mallory Velte rolled in her opening match over Clair DiCugno. DiCugno actually got the first takedown but Velte earned a takedown late in the first to lead 2-2 at the break. Then in the second, Velte scored a 4-pointer before ending the match with a takedown and a few turns. Velte will now wrestle #4 seed Ashlynn Ortega in the semis. Ortega defeated #5 seed Maya Latona, 8-2.

On the bottom side of the bracket, Katie Lange and Adaugo Nwachukwu both earned tech fall wins over their opponents to make the semis.

Women's Freestyle 68 kg

Top seeded Forrest Molinari earned an 11-0 tech fall win over #8 seed Solin Piearcy. Molinari will now face Aine Drury in the semis who defeated Alara Boyd 5-1 in her quarterfinal bout.

On the bottom side of the bracket, Reese Larramendy and Brooklyn Hays wrestled the most exciting bout of the weight. Larramendy came out on top in a high scoring match, 10-8. Larramendy will now wrestle Alex Glaude in the semis - Glaude defeated Caitlyn Davis in a controlling, 6-0 match.

Women's Freestyle 76 kg

#1 seed Kennedy Blades put on a show in her tech fall win over Skylar Grote - Blades ended the match with a BIG 5. Blades will wrestle Guilford next in the semis - Guilford won a 9-0 decision over Tristan Kelly.

On the bottom side of the bracket, both Kylie Welker and Yelena Makoyed won by tech in their quarterfinal bouts. Makoyed teched Precious Wieser (12-2) while Welker teched Marlynne Deede (10-0).

Greco-Roman 60 kg

Top-seeded Ildar Hafizov gets a 9-0 tech fall over Phillip Moomey. Hafizov will face past world team member Sammy Jones in the semis who defeated Randon Miranda, 5-0.

On the bottom side of the bracket, Max Black won a battle over Dylan Gregerson, 4-1. Black will wrestle Dalton Roberts in the semis - Roberts teched Taylor Lamont in their quarter-final bout, 9-1.

Greco-Roman 67 kg

Top-seeded Alejandro Sancho took out Jamel Johnson in a fun bout where Sancho got a big four that blew the match open. Sancho will now wrestle Pat Smith in the semis - Smith won a classic Pat Smith bout where he grinded out a 4-2 win over David Stepanian.

On the bottom side of the bracket, Xavier Johnson is the man to watch. Johnson secured two, HUGE fours to tech #2 seed Peyton Omanian, 9-0. Johnson has been a human highlight reel this tournament and will wrestle Ellis Coleman in the semis. Coleman defeated Robert Perez III, 4-0 in their quarterfinal bout. 

Greco-Roman 77 kg

Kamal Bey dropped a few Bey Bombs in his tech fall win over Vincent Dolce. Bey will wrestle RaVaughn Perkins in the semis - Perkins defeated Danny Braunagel in the quarters - 4-1.

On the bottom side of the bracket, 44 year-old and two-time Olympian Aliaksandr Kikinou made the semis by defeating Jesse Porter - 6-0. Benji Peak, although he looked a little hobbled, teched Tyler Eischens 9-0 in the quarters. Peak and Kikinou will wrestle in the semis in what will be a rematch from the Senior Nationals where Peak won.

Greco-Roman 87 kg

I missed most of the action at this weight but the most notable result came with #7 seed Payton Jacobson taking out #2 seed Richard Carlson. Jacobson will now wrestle #3 seed Zac Braunagel who defeated #6 seed Ben Provisor. On the top side of the bracket, #1 seed Mahmoud Sebie defeated Ryan Epps, 6-0 and #4 seed John Stefanowicz defeated #5 seed Tim Young, 8-0.

Greco-Roman 97 kg

Braxton Amos is the #2 seed and making his return after a long layoff due to injury. Amos looks good early with a quick takedown and a couple of turns to lead 6-0. After a step out, Amos gives up a 4-pointer and he's hurt. Oh man, that's really disappointing for Amos, looks to be his same shoulder he injured in 2023. Amos is going to injury default and Diante Cooper moves on.

Also at 97 kg, #1 seed Joe Rau moves on with a 7-0 win over Brandon Marshall and #4 seed Tate Orndorff defeats Michael Altomer 6-0. Rau and Orndorff will meet in the semis in what should be a great match. Nicholas Boykin wins in the other quarter over George Sikes and Boykin should be a pretty solid favorite over Diante Cooper.

Greco-Roman 130 kg

There was only one quarter-final bout here and Donny Longendyke won a close, 5-3 bout over Jeremiah Imonde. Longedyke will now take on top seeded Adam Coon in the semis. 

Session 1 - Round Of 16

Men's Freestyle 65 kg

Big matches to start the tournament at 65 kg! We've got Larkin vs Kolodzik, Mendez vs McKenna, Bartlett vs Garrett, and Pantaleo vs Gross on the mats and ready to roll. Jesse Mendez gets a big head pinch in the first to take a 4-0 lead. Just a few seconds later Beau Bartlett hits a four-pointer of his own and the Penn State crowd is feeling it. 

Kaleb Larkin gets the first win of the day with a 13-2 tech fall over Matt Kolodzik. Larkin gave up the first takedown but then locked up a leg lace and finished it off in the first period. Larkin's going to be a fun one to watch at 65 kg - he's really long and seems to be tricky in a lot of areas. 

Garrett and Bartlett are putting points on the board - it's 9-6 Bartlett with just over a minute to go. Mendez is still controlling McKenna - he's leading 6-1 with just 30 seconds to go. Pantaleo is holding on to a 4-2 lead but looks to be fading slightly. 

And that'll do it for the rest of the 65 kg matches - Bartlett wins 10-6, Mendez wins 8-2, and Pantaleo holds on 5-3.

Men's Freestyle 86 kg

Connor Mirasola and David McFadden are battling in a low-scoring bout. Mirasola took a 1-0 lead into the break and then added another point off a stepout in the second to lead 2-0 with about 2 minutes to go. McFadden gets in deep on a double with 30 seconds to go but Mirasola feeds him some heavy hips to fend off the takedown. Mirasola wrestles through the position and gets the takedown. And Mirasola wins it 4-0.

Max Dean vs Evan Wick now - wild to see these two meet considering Wick wrestled at 165 in college while Dean ended his college career at 197. Wick is rolling here with a couple early takedowns. Now Wick gets to his lace and ends it with a tech - Wick moves on.

And now the match everyone is waiting for in the first round - Carter Starocci vs Pat Downey! Huge cheers from the Penn State crowd as Starocci takes the mat. Early shot from Starocci but Downey counters it with a pancake and scores 2 - Downey leading 2-0. Starocci continues to move forward and gets in on Downey's legs again but Downey takes him through for another exposure, but Starocci wrestles through for a reversal - it's 4-1 now. Downey looks to be fading slightly but he'll hold his lead going into the break.

Downey doesn't have anyone in his corner so a trainer matside steps up to towel Downey off. Downey's looking really fatigued early in the second and signals for injury time - the crowd does not like that and lets him know with some boos. Downey took a good 2-3 minutes of injury time but makes his way back to his feet. Starocci gets to a single now and finishes right to a lace to take a 7-4 lead and the crowd is the loudest they've been all morning - huge cheers for Starocci. Downey's fading fast now and Starocci is feeling it. Starocci adds a few more takedown and he wins 12-4.

Men's Freestyle 74 kg

Fun first-round match here for Penn State fans with Alex Facundo taking on Levi Haines. Facundo is more offensive to start this on - Haines gets put on the clock early but can't score so Facundo takes the lead, 1-0. Facundo gets to Haines' legs in the second and finishes for a takedown to lead 3-0. 

Meyer Shapiro and Ladarion Lockett are up now - I looked away and suddenly Ladarion Lockett has a 10-1 lead over Shapiro at the break! Shapiro comes out of the break looking to get his offense going but Lockett counters for a takedown and gets the tech! Wow - did not expect that from the high schooler.

Vincenzo Joseph and Jarrett Jacques are locked in a battle along with Alex Marinelli and Tyler Berger. Jacques is leading Cenzo late and holds on to win on criteria - 6-6. Jacques is tough but that's definitely an upset.

Marinelli holds a 1-0 lead into the break. Marinelli adds a takedown in the second and Berger's having trouble getting to any offense. Not much going on for the rest of the second period and Marinelli wins 4-0.

Men's Freestyle 97 kg

Christian Carroll vs Tony Cassioppi! This is the only 97 kg match this round and it's a fascinating matchup. Carroll redshirted this past year for Oklahoma State and Cassioppi is a 3-time All-American - both guys are dropping from heavyweight. And it's Carroll who strikes first with a takedown in just thirty seconds! Cassioppi is putting the pressure on and gets close to scoring a few times but can't finish on Carroll. Cassioppi finally gets a takedown with 30 seconds left to take the lead on criteria. Cassioppi gets another takedown before the end of the second and adds a turn to lead 6-2 going into the break.

Carroll starts the second period like the first and gets a takedown to cut the lead to 6-4 but he'll need one more takedown to take the lead. Cassioppi takes a shot and almost finishes but Carroll hips in and throws him off balance and gets an exposure - Carroll takes the lead on criteria with only 10 seconds left! Cassioppi coming forward but can't score - big win for Christian Carroll.

Men's Freestyle 125 kg

The big boys are on the mat! Gary Traub is taking on Jaron Smith while Trent Hillger and Demetrius Thomas are squaring off on Mat 1. Jaron Smith looks to be making the most of his trials - he had to qualify at the last chance and holds a 6-2 lead in the second. Traub can't get to his offense and Smith wins - 6-2. Meanwhile, Thomas and Hillger are putting up some offense - Thomas led early 5-1 but Hillger stormed back to lead on criteria, 5-5. Thomas gets back to his offense with a couple of takedowns to win 11-7.

Men's Freestyle 57 kg

Fantastic round-one matches up now - Marcus Blaze vs Nick Suriano, Jax Forrest vs Liam Cronin, and Daniel DeShazer vs Luke Lilledahl! We've got three high schoolers on the mat in Blaze, Forrest, and Lilledahl. Jax with a takedown in just 10 seconds to lead early and then gets right to his top work and Forrest is out to an 8-0 lead in less than a minute. Forrest gets another takedown for the tech in just 1:18 seconds and the crowd loves it. Pretty interesting - cheers for Jax Forrest were probably the loudest outside of any Penn State wrestlers. 

Suriano gets a passivity point but not much else happening in this one. Suriano leads 1-0 heading to the break. Now in the second, Blaze gets to his single and finishes the takedown to take the 2-1 lead. Suriano pressing forward and earns a stepout to tie the match but Blaze still leads on criteria. Suriano continues to pressure and now he gets to a leg and finishes to take the lead 4-2 with under 30 seconds. Suriano is defending well and Blaze can't get to his legs - Suriano wins, 4-2.

Similar to the Blaze-Suriano match, it's 1-0 at the break with Lilledahl leading off a passivity point. Now, DeShazer gets a point as the shot clock expires to lead on criteria. Not a ton of action from either wrestler but with less than a minute, DeShazer gets another point to lead outright, 2-1. Now, with under 20 seconds to go, Lilledahl gets to DeShazer's legs and finishes out of bounds for the takedown - Lilledahl up 3-2. DeShazer's pressuring forward but he can't do it, Lilledahl wins.

Women's Freestyle 57 kg

The first women's matches are up now with three 57 kg matches on the mat. Not a ton going on early in these matches - Cam Guerin leading Shelby Moore 3-0 at the break, Cristelle Rodriguez is controlling Alexis Janiak, 7-2, and Carolina Moreno is down early with an injury.
Rodriguez rolls to a tech and Amani Jones wins by injury default over Moreno. Guerin controls from start to finish and wins by 5-1 over a tough Moore. 

Women's Freestyle 50 kg

Mia Palumbo vs Emilie Gonzalez and Nyla Valencia vs Ava Bayless are on the mats now at 50kg. Valencia and Bayless are scrapping! A couple of fun exchanges between those two and Valencia leads 5-2 at the break. Valencia continues to pressure forward and get to her offense. She adds a couple takedowns and exposure to win 11-4. Meanwhile, Palumbo is rolling against Gonzalez and gets an 11-0 tech fall. 

Greco-Roman 60 kg

The Greco boys are starting to take the mats and we've got our first big headlock as Taylor Lamont throws Billy Sullivan to his back early! Lamont gets the first-period fall. Phillip Moomey grinds out a 4-2 win over Brady Koontz.Cohlton Schultz vs Adam Coon