2016 Battle At The BirthplaceNov 22, 2016 by Mike Mal
Best Of The Battle At The Birthplace
Best Of The Battle At The Birthplace
The 2016 Battle at the Birthplace took place between Rutgers against Princeton at High Point Solutions Stadium on November 19. Here are some of the can't-miss matches from the dual meet.
The inaugural "Battle At The Birthplace" more than lived up to its billing in every way this past Saturday. The match was as competitive as anticipated with Rutgers and Princeton both winning five bouts and the only difference being the bonus points collected by Rutgers. The rest of the country took notice as well, pinning High Point Solutions Stadium in Piscataway, New Jersey, as the second biggest crowd to watch a dual meet in NCAA history. If you missed any of the action, have no fear. We picked out five of the can't-miss matches for you to watch below.
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