A Mere 8 Upsets In Week 4 Of NCAA D1 Wrestling

A Mere 8 Upsets In Week 4 Of NCAA D1 Wrestling

All of the upsets from the fourth week of Division 1 collegiate wrestling.

Nov 28, 2022 by Andrew Spey

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This week was light on competitions due to the holiday so the rankings are the least shook up they've been so far this season. 

The usual caveats apply, and these results may not look like upsets by March. Holler if we missed anything!

141: Vance Vombaur, Minnesota over #10 Clay Carlson, South Dakota State

One of a couple pivotal matches for Minnesota and their near-run victory over South Dakota State. 


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157: Cobe Siebrecht, Iowa over #10 Anthony Artalona, Penn

Artalona had Siebrecht on his back in a headlock before the Hawkeye flipped the script and secured the fall for himself. 

174: #22 Bailee O'Reilly, Minnesota over #12 Cade DeVos, South Dakota State

Another of those pivotal matches for the Gophers. 


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174: Sam DePrez, Binghamton over HM Jay Nivison, Buffalo

This match went a long way in helping Binghamton defeat their New York rivals 19-9.

184: HM Giuseppe Hoose, Buffalo over #19 Jacob Nolan, Binghamton

The Bulls got one in their favor but the Bearcats followed this up with two more wins to seal the deal.

Note: the NWCA All-Star matches don't count as "official" matches, i.e. they aren't factored into the NCAA Tournament bids. We include them here for entertainment purposes only. 

133: #5 Lucas Byrd, Illinois over #4 Michael McGee, Arizona State

A very minor upset that, following an update to the rankings, would no longer qualify as an upset. 

197: #4 Rocky Elam, Missouri over #2 Jacob Warner, Iowa

Also no longer an upset now that rankings have been updated. 


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141: #4 Andrew Alirez, Northern Colorado over #1 Cole Matthews, Pittsburgh

Alirez is the new #1 at 141 so this would also not qualify. Upsets have a way of doing that!