Big Ten Rankings 2017-18

Ranked: All 14 Big Ten 125-Pounders

Welcome to our new rankings on FloWrestling, where we go through the entire Big Ten and rank everyone! Fourteen wrestlers in 10 weight classes, which is probably close to something like over 100 total ranked wrestlers!

Ranking every Big Ten wrestler in each weight class is a daunting task, but nearly half of it is already taken care of by the top 20 rankings, which is replete with Big Ten competitors.

At 125, a very strong top tier is composed of Nathan Tomasello, Nick Suriano, and Ethan Lizak. After them is another solid tier of ranked guys in Sebastian Rivera, Travis Piotrowski, and Johnny Jimenez.

Ben Thornton is our highest-ranked 125-pounder outside the national top 20. His wins over Piotrowski and Rivera are enough to give him the nod over Austin Assad and Elijah Oliver, despite the latter two wrestlers owning wins over Thornton. Assad has slighter better wins than Elijah to get the next slot, although all three of those wrestlers are incredibly close.

Logan Griffin is a step below that trio, with Kris Williams right on his heels. Brandon Cray is next, who owns a win over Penn State's presumed starter, Devin Schnupp, while Iowa's Perez Perez is still looking for his first big Division I win.

Since we are still over a month away from the start of the college season, expect a lot of the names to not only change order but for the names themselves to change as teams jostle their lineups and guys change weights and battle for starting spots.

Questions or corrections regarding the rankings? Get in touch with our ranker via email at or twitter @SpeyWrestle, and thanks for reading!

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